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  • Hollywood Whitening

    Plant charcoal whitening toothpaste, 75ml

    Plant charcoal whitening toothpaste, 75ml@Plant charcoal whitening toothpaste. 75ml

  • Hollywood iSmile Kit

    Teeth whitening kit, 4ml

    Teeth whitening kit, 4ml@Teeth whitening kit for smartphone, USB bite with 16 LED and Gel pen. 4ml

  • Lip Gloss Glitter 01...

    Lipgloss with glitter
    Lipgloss with glitter@Lipgloss with glitter, coloring TRANSPARENT BLUE. With spectacular play of light gives three-dimensionality and volume to your lips. 9 ml.
  • HOLLYWOOD ISMILE PEN Gel Pen for teeth whitening Wonder Company

    Hollywood iSmile Pen

    Gel Pen for teeth whitening, 4ml

    Gel Pen for teeth whitening, 4ml@Gel Pen for teeth whitening, whiter teeth after 10 minutes. 4ml

  • Hollywood Lip Volumizer

    Lip volumizer with bee venom, 9 ml

    Lip volumizer with bee venom, 9 ml
    @Hollywood Lip Volumizer is the lip volumizer, with an immediate and lasting effect.
    Transparent, applicable before and/or after lipstick, it makes lips hydrated, soft, sexy and irresistibly volumized thanks to the international patent Maxi-Lip ™.

    • Immediate and lasting volumizing effect
    • Transparent gloss applicable both alone and on top of lipstick
    • Hyaluronic acid moisturizes and protects the lips (wind, sun, pollutants)
    • Contains pheromones (OSMOPHERINE) to attract and seduce
    • Ginger extract and capsaicin with a slight tingling generate the plumping effect
    • Rich in Jojoba oil, a very nourishing ingredient for the skin
  • Hollywood Lip Volumizer Red

    Red Lip volumizer with bee venom, 9 ml

    Red Lip volumizer with bee venom, 9 ml
    @Hollywood Lip Volumizer is the lip volumizer, with an immediate and lasting effect.
    Red color, applicable before and/or after lipstick, it makes lips hydrated, soft, sexy and irresistibly volumized thanks to the international patent Maxi-Lip ™.

    • Immediate and lasting volumizing effect
    • Transparent gloss applicable both alone and on top of lipstick
    • Hyaluronic acid moisturizes and protects the lips (wind, sun, pollutants)
    • Contains pheromones (OSMOPHERINE) to attract and seduce
    • Ginger extract and capsaicin with a slight tingling generate the plumping effect
    • Rich in Jojoba oil, a very nourishing ingredient for the skin
  • Hollywood Lip Volumizer Nude

    Nude Lip volumizer with bee venom, 9 ml

    Nude Lip volumizer with bee venom, 9 ml
    @Hollywood Lip Volumizer is the lip volumizer, with an immediate and lasting effect.
    Nude color, applicable before and/or after lipstick, it makes lips hydrated, soft, sexy and irresistibly volumized thanks to the international patent Maxi-Lip ™.

    • Immediate and lasting volumizing effect
    • Transparent gloss applicable both alone and on top of lipstick
    • Hyaluronic acid moisturizes and protects the lips (wind, sun, pollutants)
    • Contains pheromones (OSMOPHERINE) to attract and seduce
    • Ginger extract and capsaicin with a slight tingling generate the plumping effect
    • Rich in Jojoba oil, a very nourishing ingredient for the skin
  • Lip Balm

    ULTRA lip protection with Beer, 20ml

    ULTRA lip protection with Beer, 20ml@ULTRA lip protection with Beer, protects against sun and wind, SPF 50+. 20ml

  • Hyaluronic Lip Balm Honey

    Lip Balm with Hyaluronic Acid

    Lip Balm with Hyaluronic Acid @ Lip balm stick with HONEY flavor, moisturizing, emollient and protective with Hyaluronic Acid, Argan Oil and Vitamin E.
    Lip Balm to always carry with you, available in 4 fantastic flavors: chocolate, candy, honey and coconut.

    • Lips to kiss, soft and hydrated
    • Forget about cracking and itching
    • Protection from cold, sun, wind and smog
    • Nourished and plumped lips
    • Anti-aging action, reduces the signs of aging
  • Hyaluronic Lip Balm Coconut

    Lip Balm with Hyaluronic Acid

    Lip Balm with Hyaluronic Acid @ Lip balm stick with COCONUT flavor, moisturizing, emollient and protective with Hyaluronic Acid, Argan Oil and Vitamin E.
    Lip Balm to always carry with you, available in 4 fantastic flavors: chocolate, candy, honey and coconut.

    • Lips to kiss, soft and hydrated
    • Forget about cracking and itching
    • Protection from cold, sun, wind and smog
    • Nourished and plumped lips
    • Anti-aging action, reduces the signs of aging
  • Hyaluronic Lip Balm Candy

    Lip Balm with Hyaluronic Acid

    Lip Balm with Hyaluronic Acid @ Lip balm stick with CANDY flavor, moisturizing, emollient and protective with Hyaluronic Acid, Argan Oil and Vitamin E.
    Lip Balm to always carry with you, available in 4 fantastic flavors: chocolate, candy, honey and coconut.

    • Lips to kiss, soft and hydrated
    • Forget about cracking and itching
    • Protection from cold, sun, wind and smog
    • Nourished and plumped lips
    • Anti-aging action, reduces the signs of aging
  • Hyaluronic Lip Balm Chocolate

    Lip Balm with Hyaluronic Acid

    Lip Balm with Hyaluronic Acid @ Lip balm stick with CHOCOLATE flavor, moisturizing, emollient and protective with Hyaluronic Acid, Argan Oil and Vitamin E.
    Lip Balm to always carry with you, available in 4 fantastic flavors: chocolate, candy, honey and coconut.

    • Lips to kiss, soft and hydrated
    • Forget about cracking and itching
    • Protection from cold, sun, wind and smog
    • Nourished and plumped lips
    • Anti-aging action, reduces the signs of aging
  • Kit Whitening toothpaste and blue glitter -2.10 Off
    • -2.10

    Kit Whitening

    Plant charcoal whitening toothpaste, 75ml
    26.00 23.90

    Plant charcoal whitening toothpaste, 75ml@Plant charcoal whitening toothpaste. 75ml

  • Lip Balm Hyaluronic Herpes

    Trattamento antibatterico, idrata e lenisce

    Trattamento antibatterico, idrata e lenisce@Labbra protette tutti i giorni da Herpes labiale e screpolature. Formulato per contrastare le infezioni e lenire le labbra, grazie all'azione antibatterica del Tea Tree Oil
    e della Lavanda.

    Nutre e idrata le labbra secche e screpolate, mediante la combinazione del Burro di Karité, l'Olio di Argan, l'Acido Ialuronico e la Vitamina E.
    Ad azione coadiuvante contro l'herpes labiale crea un morbido velo protettivo sulle labbra.

  • Spazzolino Bamboo 100% Vegan

    100% Vegan, Biodegradabile e BPA-Free

    100% Vegan, Biodegradabile e BPA-Free@

  • Spazzolino Bamboo 100% Vegan

    100% Vegan, Biodegradabile e BPA-Free

    100% Vegan, Biodegradabile e BPA-Free@

  • Spazzolino Bamboo 100% Vegan

    100% Vegan, Biodegradabile e BPA-Free

    100% Vegan, Biodegradabile e BPA-Free@

  • Spazzolino Bamboo 100% Vegan

    100% Vegan, Biodegradabile e BPA-Free

    100% Vegan, Biodegradabile e BPA-Free@

  • Hyal Lip Gloss Anti-age

    con Acido Ialuronico + Stimolatore di Collagene

    con Acido Ialuronico + Stimolatore di Collagene@Lip Gloss ad azione anti-age. L'acido ialuronico idrata in profondità favorendo lo riempimento delle rughe attenduandole, l'olio di Argan rallenta l'invecchiamento cellulare e i peptidi di origine vegetale stimolano la produzione di collagene, infine l'olio di Jojoba rende le labbra più morbide e vellutate con un aspetto visibilmente più giovane.

    • r
    • Effetto rimpolpante grazie allo riempimento delle rughe labiali
    • Rigenera la struttura cellulare delle labbra
    • Ridefinisce gli equilibri
  • Hyal Volumizzante labbra in...

    Rimpolpante con Acido Ialuronico

    Rimpolpante con Acido Ialuronico@Stick Labbra progettato per migliorare la consistenza e la condizione delle labbra e per aumentarne la pienezza e il volume fornendo un aspetto più attraente.

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